Upon following the webcast for week 13, my first thoughts were, “How much do I really have to be grateful for?”. Initially, I did not think there was a lot. But, as ever through this program, rather than overthinking everything, I did as I was told and started to write out my gratitude cards.
Fortunately, the first morning, the sun was shining. “I’m grateful for the sun”, I wrote. I saw the pigeon setting out on the tree from my window, it always makes me smile. So I wrote, “I’m grateful for the pigeon that makes me smile”. I soon realised while writing my gratitude cards, just how very much I have to be grateful for.
The whole exercise has become easier, and easier!
I could easily write many gratitude cards each day. Since starting the process of writing my gratitude cards and constantly re-reading them, I manage to put a smile on my face easily at any time I choose and feel more at ease with myself many times throughout the day simply by flicking through my cards.
I never realised how easy that could be.
Again, this is another fine example of how phenomenal the Master Key Experience has been for me. And of course is continuing to be for me and will do for the rest of my life moving forward.
What makes me feel super good about the program as well is that I am paying it forward for somebody else to gain the same wonderful benefits that I am receiving .
Thank you Master Key Experience :-)