Permission Granted image

Week 17HJ – Giving Myself Permission and my Hero’s Journey

Giving Myself Permission

This was HUGE for me! I didn’t take it in at first but I always study the webcasts a second time and the second time I watched, it hit me like a brick. In the past I had never given myself permission, on the contrary both of my parents have always seemed to revel in misery and are never satisfied unless everybody around them knows about and shares their misery and is miserable themselves.

I was less affected by this when I was living further away and didn’t see them often but now I live nearer and I see them more and they’re both older and even more miserable and bitter than previous.

I am not of the same nature but they were inflicting their blueprints upon me and and I was letting them.

No longer – I give myself permission to be HAPPY and I am!

My Hero’s Journey

I am now embracing the future with courage and excitement. I have the courage to change, I am a HERO and I have already embarked upon my Hero’s Journey.

I have broken off the shackles of my old blueprint although it still tries to force itself upon me from time to time. I know that I shall face further challenges and temptations before I make my transformation. But I have the power and determination to push through the challenges.

I am Nature’s Greatest Miracle and I have unlimited potential. I am giving so much more and I have so much to give. I am realising just how much I have to be grateful for and I now able to express my gratitude, which is something I have previously struggled with.

I am answering the call!

I always keep my promises :-)

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Giving flowers image

Week 17 – Giving More, Getting More, the Shapes and the Makeover

Giving More, Getting More

The concept of giving more and getting more is quite alien to many, however for me, I have always thought it made complete sense. In the past though, I had always seemed to give but get nothing back in return which did actually bother me somewhat.

There appears though to have been some sort of paradigm shift in that since working on myself through the Master Key Experience now, I am giving and good things are happening in return.

Perhaps it was just that previously I had not noticed the getting as a consequence of my giving but now I certainly am.

I am noticing so many more kindnesses in others too and this is so uplifting. Over the last week or so, somebody as yet unknown has been leaving small knitted hearts on peoples’ door handles and in obvious places around the town. It making people feel happier and such a kind gesture.

Kindness heart
Kindness hearts being left around my community

The Shapes

I am seeing my shapes and colours everywhere constantly. They are constantly reminding and nudging me towards my PPN’s and my DMP. Though I am hitting a few bumps along the way, I am certainly on the way thanks to the Master Key Experience and seeing the shapes and colours is really helping.

My Makeover

This week, I am focusing on taking initiative as part of my makeover. I have come up with a number of things to take initiative on which is absolutely fantastic for both my life and my business. It feels like a shame that I have to sleep as I could carry on all day and night right now as I am buzzing with enthusiasm.

I have had a few bumps over the last week or so, most particularly around my ‘sits’ and visualising. Throughout my MKE journey so far, I have generally found my sits quite simple to manage but recently I have started my sit and encountered a complete blank which has been a little disconcerting. I am however persisting and succeeding.

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Kindness picture

Week 16 – Kindness Week and the Power of the Mastermind

Kindness Week


How cool has Kindness Week been?

I have absolutely loved it. Looking out for those random acts of kindness, helping people, seeing the lovely reactions of people and most importantly the power of the group in sharing their acts of kindness. It was so empowering to see the power of a mastermind.

It made me feel so good actually looking out for and doing those acts of kindness, so much so that I shall be continuing to do so from hereon in. It just gives me a warm fuzzy feeling to be making all random acts of kindness.

The Power of the Mastermind

I have really bought into the power of the mastermind now. My friend John and I speak for a short time each morning to reflect on how each of us did the previous day and to discuss what each of us plan to do on the current day. It is quite brilliant as it is challenging both us to hold ourselves accountable for our daily activities and if you’re not doing enough, it’s just plain embarrassing to have to admit to your inactivity all the time.

I had previously set up a mastermind with a colleague but we would meet in a bar early on a Friday and inevitably our mastermind would simply end up as a chat over a beer and it just wasn’t effective. A short daily mastermind is proving to be both effective and very, very useful.

Every week, the Master Key Experience is helping me to be a better me. Happier, healthier, busier, more efficient and effective. I just know that whilst I am a work constantly in process, the MKE is helping me enormously.

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Week 15 – Getting Back on Track and the Wonder of Franklin’s Makeover with the Master Key Experience Twist

Getting Back on Track

Railroad track

I have to say how glad I am to be getting back on track after all the Christmas shenanigans. As lovely as Christmas is, it often seems to come just when you don’t really need it. (It would be great to be able to choose just when Christmas best suits.)

As hard as I tried not to, the Christmas break caused me to miss a few reads and sits which I was a little guilty and unhappy about, predominantly because I felt I was letting myself down. But then again, I only missed a couple and I have always been a little too harsh on myself.

Anyhow, we’ve moved on now and what a way to move on!

Wonder of Franklin’s Makeover

Benjamin Franklin

How fantastic is Franklin’s Makeover? And what a great way to kickstart the new year! There are so many weeks coming up that I am excited about and Kindness week is just going to be excellent.

I just love how the Master Key Experience has been put together for us all. It is such an exciting journey!

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Week 14 – The Christmas Break, My Missed Sits and the Guilt

The Christmas Break

The Christmas break is a time of the year that I never normally relish.

It was always lovely when the children were young, though since then, I have often found the stresses of dealing with an overwhelmingly miserable family simply unbearable. I am by nature a very cheerful person yet the rest of my family have always relished in misery. We are literally like chalk and cheese and anybody spending any more than the minimum amount of time with them tends to end up feeling miserable too.

Fortunately, this year, the interaction with my family members was kept to a minimum, though I genuinely think that the huge amount I have learnt about myself through my Master Key Experience would have enabled me to cope better than ever previously.

My Missed Sits

With everything going on over the Christmas period, I had a little slip. I missed a few reads and a few sits. I didn’t switch off entirely, I managed to do one or two reads each day but I missed more sits. The only day I missed everything entirely was Christmas Day itself.

The Guilt

Missing the reads and sits that I did caused me to feel an element of guilt and the guilt was that I was letting myself down. However, my resolve now is such that I simply moved on and actually did not dwell on it which previously would have happened. So actually, my ‘guilt’ was a positive. I missed working on myself and treating myself and was happier when I was continuing on my Master Key Experience journey.

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Thank you - Gratitude image

Week 13 – Gratitude Cards and the Huge Amount I Have to be Grateful For

Upon following the webcast for week 13, my first thoughts were, “How much do I really have to be grateful for?”. Initially, I did not think there was a lot. But, as ever through this program, rather than overthinking everything, I did as I was told and started to write out my gratitude cards.

Thank you - Gratitude image

Fortunately, the first morning, the sun was shining. “I’m grateful for the sun”, I wrote. I saw the pigeon setting out on the tree from my window, it always makes me smile. So I wrote, “I’m grateful for the pigeon that makes me smile”. I soon realised while writing my gratitude cards, just how very much I have to be grateful for.

The whole exercise has become easier, and easier!

I could easily write many gratitude cards each day. Since starting the process of writing my gratitude cards and constantly re-reading them, I manage to put a smile on my face easily at any time I choose and feel more at ease with myself many times throughout the day simply by flicking through my cards.

I never realised how easy that could be.

Again, this is another fine example of how phenomenal the Master Key Experience has been for me. And of course is continuing to be for me and will do for the rest of my life moving forward.

What makes me feel super good about the program as well is that I am paying it forward for somebody else to gain the same wonderful benefits that I am receiving .

Thank you Master Key Experience :-)

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Week 12 – My 50 Minute ‘1 Sentence DMP’ Sit and the Power

With one thing and another going on in the lead up to the festive season, I was unable to find the time to complete my 50 minute sit until the Thursday. It had been a busy week and I hardly had the time to ‘waste’ staring at myself in the mirror I thought. But, believing in the process and making sure that I do everything as instructed, I made the time.

I sat in front of the mirror and looked at myself for a few moments before I started which was odd as the most I tend to do with a mirror is to take a cursory glance at myself to check that my hair does not look too ridiculous or that I don’t have food on my face!

I positioned my one sentence DMP in front of the mirror so I could read it whilst looking at myself and I started reading.

It felt odd, weird, unnatural….

…. and then it felt good….

…. and then it felt AMAZING!!!

I began to feel empowered, emboldened and all the other positive things beginning with em…

Don’t get me wrong , it still felt a little odd; listening to my voice, watching myself speak, noticing how much more expressive the left side of my face is compared to my right. But it felt properly good, it really did.

I was quite staggered at how, after an hour of reading the same sentence, how different I could make it sound and how still after so many repetitions, I could still mess up my lines and have to read my index card again. But even messing up my lines felt good.

I felt strong, I felt powerful, my one sentence DMP has been implanted and it feels good.

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Week 11 – My Leadership Day and then the Gloom

Leadership Day

I missed a couple of my reads on Monday and my ‘sit’!

I had good reason though it still felt wrong, like I was neglecting myself or something.

I’d had to get up really early to go to a Leadership Day for the business I am a partner with which was at least a five hour drive away. It was a long, long day with over ten hours driving in total and seven hours at the event, hence why I didn’t complete my reads. Fortunately I did manage to do my evening read.

It was a fantastic day though obviously a little tiring. All the news and updates were incredibly encouraging and made me rather excited for the future of my business as it is so aligned to my DMP and my income goals.

I got home late in the evening, tired but happy and excited to push forward with my business. I completed my reading and slept well.

And then the GLOOM hit!

It is amazing how quickly a persons demeanour can change though and for me it was the weather!

As I have got older I have become more prone to SAD or Seaonal Affective Disorder. It is sometimes known as winter depression because the symptoms are usually more apparent and more severe during the winter.

Many find it difficult to believe because generally I am known for my cheery, outgoing and positive nature but if there is a spell of turgid, grey, cold and dull days, I do get affected.

My positive mood and growth mindset quickly drained. All I needed was a little sunlight and I would be alright!

Tools to fight the GLOOM!

This time however, through what I have been learning from my Master Key Experience, I had some tools to fight the GLOOM.

I had the Seven Laws of the Mind!

… And I didn’t need all seven.

I used the Law of Substitution. Instead of thinking of the weather we were experiencing, I thought of the beautiful, hot, endless sunny days that we had during our phenomenal summer and smiled. There is no day without night, no smooth without rough… you get my gist.

I used the Law of Relaxation, I meditated a little, it helped a lot.

And I used the Law of Growth. Remembering that whatever we think about grows, whatever we forget atrophies. I thought about sunny days in France (it’s part of my DMP). I thought about my DMP in general and all the other fun, interesting and exciting things I have to do.

“When you are a Bear of Very Little Brain, and you Think of Things, you find sometimes that a Thing which seemed very Thingish inside you is quite different when it gets out into the open and has other people looking at it.” Winnie The Pooh

Well I’m a Bear of Very Little Brain and it gets full easily and all the thinking of my DMP, my blueprint and of sunny days just filled my brain up and I quickly forgot about the gloom.

It’s still gloomy outside…

…but it isn’t gloomy inside :-)


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Week 10 – First Trimester Complete and Redoubling My Efforts

So I’m a third of the way through this marvellous journey. It has been challenging at times and just so fulfilling.

I really can’t express how thankful I am to have bothered to have watched the first video and gained a little intrigue and then to have taken the plunge to embark on a 6 month journey to transform myself.

Losing the old blueprint, discarding all the old hangups, recreating a blueprint and living a life of my own choosing rather than one that had previously been dictated to me is so exciting and enriching.

Comparing myself to the previous ‘me’ at the start of the journey, I see so many changes though they would appear imperceptible on a week to week basis. And we’re just a third of the way through!

What am I going to be like at the end?

As I have seen so much change in myself for the better, I am redoubling my efforts to get the most out of this journey that I possibly can. I am completing all the exercises and ‘sits’ without exception. Though the 7 Day Mental Diet and my not having opinions have both been a serious challenge, I am making serious improvements at the same time, which is just brilliant.

I have started masterminding with my friend John who joined the MKMMA journey independently from me and unbeknown to me until we saw each others names on the blog roll. This is already starting to pay dividends as I think we are both starting to make headway towards our DMP’s.

I could not recommend this program highly enough and have every intention of completing it again next year. I will be unrecognisable from my previous self, bu then again, I really needed to be.


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Week 9 – What Happened to my Visualisations?

So this journey we’re on really throws us curve balls from time to time!

Until now, I have been really delighted and proud of the successes I have found with my sits and my visualising…..

…..until this week.

I sat down on Monday for my sit in the same way that I have done in all previous weeks and NOTHING!

Seriously, NOTHING just completely blank. It really unnerved me. I persisted and on Tuesday…..


I continued on Wednesday focusing on a seed growing and BAM – there I was. I was the seed growing, developing roots, flowering. It was rather weird, I thought I’d taken something that maybe I shouldn’t have. The same happened on Thursday, I focused on the seed and the plant that grew was me.

Upon reflection though, it isn’t that ridiculous. Through this journey we are all growing, building our foundations, developing ourselves into the wonderful and beautiful people we know that we can be and deserve to be.

I had small panic about my sits but it seems that it was only a temporary blip and now I am back to enjoying them again and most days set aside thirty minutes to enjoy them more.

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