Week 14 – The Christmas Break, My Missed Sits and the Guilt
The Christmas Break

The Christmas break is a time of the year that I never normally relish.
It was always lovely when the children were young, though since then, I have often found the stresses of dealing with an overwhelmingly miserable family simply unbearable. I am by nature a very cheerful person yet the rest of my family have always relished in misery. We are literally like chalk and cheese and anybody spending any more than the minimum amount of time with them tends to end up feeling miserable too.
Fortunately, this year, the interaction with my family members was kept to a minimum, though I genuinely think that the huge amount I have learnt about myself through my Master Key Experience would have enabled me to cope better than ever previously.
My Missed Sits

With everything going on over the Christmas period, I had a little slip. I missed a few reads and a few sits. I didn’t switch off entirely, I managed to do one or two reads each day but I missed more sits. The only day I missed everything entirely was Christmas Day itself.
The Guilt

Missing the reads and sits that I did caused me to feel an element of guilt and the guilt was that I was letting myself down. However, my resolve now is such that I simply moved on and actually did not dwell on it which previously would have happened. So actually, my ‘guilt’ was a positive. I missed working on myself and treating myself and was happier when I was continuing on my Master Key Experience journey.